
BR 07: Hungry Plants

Most plants get everything they need to be healthy from sun, rain, and soil. But insect-eating plants grow in very poor soil. They make up for this by eating bugs. For these plants, eating bugs is like taking a vitamin pill.(p.8)

      When I was an elementary school student, my brother had a insect-eating plant which was like a picture on the right. It often ate bugs as I watched it. When it ate them, it closed its mouth and melted them by liquid which called digestive juice. I was afraid of it because its appearance. It has lots of thorns. So still now, I don't like such insect-eating plants.

Batten, Mary. (2000). Hungry Plants. Step into reading.


BR 06: Help!

There was no computer, no car, no MegaMonster, no Chip. Just a dream. (p. 29)

     Today I read a book called Help! It was one of the most interesting books I have ever read. It was a story of dream. In this book, a man named Frank had a strange experience. You must be betrayed by the end of this story. I want you to read it!!

     I often used to have a dream when I was a junior high school student. In my dream, I became a singer, famous actor, ninja, and insect such as a spider, an ant. I was able to have a good experience that I couldn't in the real world.  If I could have a dream tonight, I want to be animal like a cat or dog.

Prowse, Philip. (1999). Help! Cambridge English readers.


BR 05:Sam's New Flat

From her bedroom window, she watched the sun setting over the park. It had been happy moments. She had got to know Dount better. She had helped Mrs Green, and now she was going to walk scrap everyday after school.(p.31) 

     Have you ever experienced to moving a flat? This story is written about to moving a flat in order to parent's divorce and the relationship between friends.
     When I was elementary school student, I experienced to moving a flat because of my father's work. I felt very sad to be separated with my friends at that time, but as time went on, I came to feel better. Because I was able to get along with new friends in a new town. I thought it was sad for me to leave familiar places such as school and home at this time, but now I think it is good experience for me to meet new friends and live a new place. It can spare my point of view.

     Don't to be afraid to moving a new flat!!!!!!

Alexander, Jenny. Clayton, tom. (2001). Sam's New Flat. Literacy Land.


BR 04: Flying Pumpkins

 This annual contest's  unusual name is the ' Punkin' Chunkin'  Contest.' The aim of the contest is simple: to make a machine that can throw a pumpkin through the air.(P.6)

     Do you know  the ' Punkin' Chunkin' Contest?' I have't know the event before read this book. But reading this book led me to know the event. I thought American people enjoy not only eating pumpkins but also throwing them.

    In Japan we have a strange festival called 'Mukonage- Matsuri' which is held in Nigata. Bridegrooms who got married last year are thrown away from precipice to the ground covered with snow. This festival have been held since about 1712. It's very historical event. So I want to see those unique events someday!!!

Waring, Rob. (2008). Flying Pumpkins. London: Heinle cengage learning. 


      But Hollywood is built on a long and truly wonderful story of famous actors, directors, and film studios and it is not going to st...