
08: Within High Fence

     Last week I read Within High Fences, a Cambridge English Readers, level 2 book. It was a story about a woman who works for the refugee camp and a man who is in that place. The main character' name is Nancy and George. Nancy had a husband who always gave things what she wants, but she didn't like him. One day she saw a man pick up two cookies. At the refugee camp, putting more two things were banished, so Nancy went to the man to warning. That man was George. At that time he tried to pick up another cookie for a small boy. Then she noticed his kindness and she became to like him. But her husband disagreed with her decision and he harassed her many times. 

     Could Nancy and George get a happiness...????

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      But Hollywood is built on a long and truly wonderful story of famous actors, directors, and film studios and it is not going to st...