
The Boy who cried Wolf

No one believes liars, even when they tell the truth.

Today I read "The Boy who cried Wolf" USBORNE FIRST READING, a level 3 book.
 Sam lived in a little village and he took sheep from the village up the hill to a grassy meadow everyday. He did same things and he was SO bored.
 One day, he came up with a good idea. Then He ran down the hill to village, saying "help!! A wolf has come out of the forest!" Everyone ran up the hill but there're NO wolf. So the boy told a lie. Sam continue to tell villagers lies. In order that, nobody came to believe him.
 A few days later, a real wolf appeared. And Sam told other villagers that. But nobody believe him. After the day, some villagers visited Sam but there're no sheep. Every villagers were unable to understand what happened yesterday until they have seen that situation.

You should not tell tell a lie if you want to be trusted by others.

2 件のコメント:

  1. This is very famous story.I want to read it!

  2. I felt nostalgic for that. This story is famous as "ookami syounenn" in Japan! It 's so fun to read a book familiar in Japan with English.



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